Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sweeny Todd

1) It's very hard for me to admit that I like musicals.
2) I like musicals
3) The set and costumes were AMAZING
4) Tim Burton + Johnny Depp + Helena Bonham Carter = Magic.

The fact that the key players weren't trained vocalists made the movie better. Rather than a display of vocal talent, this film delivered superior film craft and acting, with good music thrown in as a bonus. If I want to hear epic singers, I'll hit the opera. Instead, I got what I want from a musical movie... A great story, told by great story teller, in musical form.

Anyway, I dug it. Your mileage may vary.


Brian said...

John, this is the the second time in a month you've been open about your total and complete gayness. I really support that. Power, brotha!

John Judy said...

I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it.