Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Just to clear things up

As I have been barred from hitting people by a certain wife, I wanted to make sure that no one thought I actually got into a fight.... Although it is lame that when I finally pick a new sport to replace cycling I can't get the support of my spouse. I tried to sell her on the cardiovascular benefits, but I got nowhere.

I simply had a nasty run in with gravity. I took a nap in a very dark and supposedly haunted place (I actually spent 20 minutes or so taunting the ghosts to try to get them to show up). After a while, Nick (who claims to be my friend) called out for me. Being the responsive, attentive, caring pal I am I shot up like a rocket. Being the drunk, tired, disoriented guy I was (am), I promptly fell right back down again... Neglecting to break my fall with anything except my eye.

At this point, I painted a mural on the floor in the only medium available to me (blood) and went home.

That's it. No fights, no punching. Seriously, one of my resolutions this year (as it has been for years) is to be a much more mellow guy. I'll keep trying. Maybe one day I'll get it right.

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