Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Well actually...

It is.


Wish me luck.


Houston said...

I get it. Good luck. ...and let me know when you need help. I mean it.

Brian said...

B: "Holy shit! He's got a tumor!"
A: "Who has a tumor?"
B: "John Judy."
A: "What?! Why does John Judy have a tumor?"

Christie said...

Time to break out that can of whup ass and introduce it to the tumor.

Good luck and FSM bless.

Dr. A said...

I would crochet you a hat, but based on your current hair situation. . .

but let me know what else would help. I'm good for hot dogs, doughnuts (the only two things my dad could eat during chemo) and all manner of soups.

And I still might make a hat.

nixonb said...

wow. if there's anything i can do from waaay over here, i'm happy to do it! keep us all posted with updates and the latest, as you find things out, please. m and i are thinking of you two!