Sunday, December 07, 2008

Quick Update

Hit 217 on Saturday. W00t! It's been years since I was that light.

I'm feeling pretty good, just really tired a lot of the time. I'm sure it's mostly due to the food thing but it's really a pain. It's like I have 2 hours a day where I'm up to the task, whatever the task may be. The rest of the time, I'm fighting the urge to crawl off somewhere and take a nap. Also, I get edgy when I'm tired. For someone who isn't known for his even temper, this is not a good thing. It's kind of a struggle to be patient and understanding, especially with people who need me to repeat things or explain them slowly. Who knows, maybe I'll get better at it?

Little bit of pain from the squished kidney, but nothing too bad. As long as I drink lots of water and don't get my heart rate up for too long it's fine. Even when it does hurt, a couple ibuprofen and I'm all set.

Biopsy is Tuesday. Basically, I lay in the scanner while a dude sticks my belly with a long needle. I don't know about you, but I can smell the awesome in the air now! Then I get to wait a week to find out what's next. I'm sure that week will just FLY by!

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