Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I need to go to bed but planet of the apes JUST started!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Among the many things I love about this movie is a statement on humanity made in the beginning, We find life... A single, isolated, lonely, fragile example of life... fighting for survival. What do we do upon discovering a unique example of life on a foreign world? Kill it, of course.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, about an hour and change to go...

Till this little friend says hi. Hoping for the worst, expecting the best. Yay for space rocks! Anyway, we had a good run. I kissed my wife goodbye and I'm drinking wine. That's good enough for me.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wow this is kinda of wierd...

and cool. Wouldn't it be great if it worked that way for everyone? Not only would organ transplants be vastly more successful and easier on the recipient, but smell a cure for aids and other similar maladies. Unfortunately, this was probably a fluke, but a fella can dream.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My favorite cartoon

Let this be a lesson

Movies like "A Knights Tale"? Yeah, karma doesn't forget that shit.

In yet another...

Blinding flash of the obvious... Srsly, does anyone NOT know this yet?

My day

Sleep till noon
Feed cat
Drink coffee my lovely wife got for me
Watch CSI
Surf /b/
Go to the gym
Go take pictures of scantily clad hot chicks
Go to bar... do crossword puzzle... have a couple beers
Watch History Channel
Eat delicious sammich (thanks for the bread Randy)

Yeah, I'm bummed about not working and I hope it ends soon, but I have to admit this is a pretty decent gig.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Meh, we had a good run

Seems that this may be doing this resulting in this. I for one welcome our new space rock overlords.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Just wow...

Shannon gets back tomorrow


Because this is me otherwise....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cloverfield is nothing

This guy has my back

Oh, and if you get bored, check this out. Now you're thinking with portals!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chalk up another win for Portland police!

If you can't shoot 'em, beat 'em. If you can't beat 'em, well...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's just as I've feared

I have come undone.

"I've canceled that in my area"

OK, you probably all know how I feel about religion (and yes, atheism is a religion). It's a quaint, cute, stupid tradition used by people who can't accept the fact that there are things we don't and will never know (IMHO, wisdom starts with these words... "I DON'T KNOW"), and who feel like they need some one to tell them to be nice and to not be a dick. That being said, some religions are more palatable than others. However, they're all good for teh lulz.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2007 Darwin Awards

These are always good for a larf.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

On being a juggalo

I saw this and thought it was funny. Really, do you need step by step instructions on how to become an epic failure?

1. First off, you can't become a juggalo, you are born a juggalo and one day you just happen to find your way home. You'll know pretty soon off...very easy way to tell, either you got love for your juggalo family or you don't. Thats it.
2. Check out whats goin on in the juggalo world: Faygoluvers.net , Juggalonews.com , gznetwork.net , Myjuggalospace.com , insaneclownposse.com , juggalofaith.com
3. Go to an Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Blaze, or Anybody Killa Concert which is optinal you dont always have too.
4. Ignore the haters, if your gonna be down with the family they have you back for ever, but keep in mind that Most of the world hates you once your down.
5. If nothing else learn to accept and appreciate everyone for who they are and just enjoy life. Thats what the juggalo family is about.To each his own. Be you and we got ya back.
6. There's no such thing as a true juggalo. Just as long as you believe in the Dark Carnival.
7. if you listen to icp and you don't get a weird feeling in your stomach, like a really good feeling you can't explain (icp mentions that the juggalos can feel it inside when they talk about the Dark Carnival or the 6 joker's cards) then you can be an icp fan but not a juggalo. DON'T LIE EITHER. BECAUSE THE DARK CARNIVAL WILL KNOW IF YOUR LYING.
8. You must realize the Dark Carnival is GOD. (as said by icp) Some fake ass juggahos believe the Carnival isn't GOD, but real juggalos believe in the gospel of insane clown posse's teachings.

Thanks R&B

Oh and Brandie hits like a girl.

No, I will never let you live this down. Sorry, to awesome.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tonights goodness

1) I could watch CSI Miami for days. There's more cheese than a domino's pizza, hot chicks.... and murder
2) For our friends... when Shannon and I are fighting, you'll know it. We often disagree, because I am so very cool, handsome, and intelligent and Shannon is so very wrong.
3) I have always considered myself to be a slightly above average writer. I've wanted to write a short story or some such thing for quite a while, but I haven't been able to find an idea that resonated with me enough to make it fun to write. Tonight, while sitting across the bar from a guy that reminded me of myself, I had a blinding flash. This idea would make a fantastic movie, so if you're a script writer or some such... let me know. You want this. I think I am going to try and take a first crack at it myself.
4) I have the most awesome wife ever. I am really going to miss her next week.
5) Thanks to those folks who helped me get my references together tonight. I wish I was working with you all instead of relying on you to help me work somewhere else. C'est la vie.
6) Still looking for work, though I have some irons in the fire. If you're a cool company doing good things, and you need a truly multi-purpose guy, I think your time is running out.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Visualizing Success

I am done being unemployed. I really enjoyed it, but it's time for something new. I would like a job now please.

I have proven that my blog has the power to kill. I'm now hoping it has other powers.

Qoute of the night

"I out rank you"
"Oh yeah? Well I PANTrank you!"

Sweeny Todd

1) It's very hard for me to admit that I like musicals.
2) I like musicals
3) The set and costumes were AMAZING
4) Tim Burton + Johnny Depp + Helena Bonham Carter = Magic.

The fact that the key players weren't trained vocalists made the movie better. Rather than a display of vocal talent, this film delivered superior film craft and acting, with good music thrown in as a bonus. If I want to hear epic singers, I'll hit the opera. Instead, I got what I want from a musical movie... A great story, told by great story teller, in musical form.

Anyway, I dug it. Your mileage may vary.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Update on my linux problems

I suck. After blaming the problem on how newer kernels handled disk i/o and journaling, and after trying multiple different versions of multiple different distros, I found the problem. A bad memory module. You want to know the best part? When this whole crap storm started, I suspected as much and ran a memory test. I stopped it because it was taking to long. Spending an extra 3 minutes would have saved me three weeks.

Oh well, at least I was introduced to Ubuntu, which is freakin' awesome for your day to day box. When I get back to work, I am going to push for Ubuntu for clients. It's easy and it works.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

one more thing

Comcast is shitting up connections to my web content again.... as they've done every time I've published something since the "upgrade". God, they suck. Anyway, sorry.

Just to clear things up

As I have been barred from hitting people by a certain wife, I wanted to make sure that no one thought I actually got into a fight.... Although it is lame that when I finally pick a new sport to replace cycling I can't get the support of my spouse. I tried to sell her on the cardiovascular benefits, but I got nowhere.

I simply had a nasty run in with gravity. I took a nap in a very dark and supposedly haunted place (I actually spent 20 minutes or so taunting the ghosts to try to get them to show up). After a while, Nick (who claims to be my friend) called out for me. Being the responsive, attentive, caring pal I am I shot up like a rocket. Being the drunk, tired, disoriented guy I was (am), I promptly fell right back down again... Neglecting to break my fall with anything except my eye.

At this point, I painted a mural on the floor in the only medium available to me (blood) and went home.

That's it. No fights, no punching. Seriously, one of my resolutions this year (as it has been for years) is to be a much more mellow guy. I'll keep trying. Maybe one day I'll get it right.

Oak 1 John 0

Job interview this week, of course.