Friday, September 21, 2007

Is there still anyone...

who doesn't think this retarded dipshit isn't insane? Quote: "'I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas,' Bush, who has a reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in Washington on Thursday."

Well I tell ya' Amerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrica, it's gotta be saddamn's fault. I tell ya' it's the tearwrists!!!!

Thanks once again to the Midwest and the fundies for making us the laughing stock of the planet.

Seriously, how are Nelson Mandela and Saddam Hussein related at all, even a little bit?! Lemme guess, the fabled weapons of mass destruction (remember those? I do) are in South Africa? And how is it that the pretender in chief isn't aware that Nelson Mandela is alive and kicking?

I just wish he, and his voters, would die already. I have room in my heart and mind for intelligent conservatives and their opinions, but this is ridiculous. I say let's bring back Zyklon B and gas the stupid.

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