as that lying sack of shit claims, our real goal is to spread democracy and freedom to the rest of the world (no really, the WMD's were just a fake pretext), here is some SERIOUSLY fucking low hanging fruit. C'mon, how long would it take our armed forces to completely dominate Burma? We could send 1/2 the Oregon National Guard over there and they would be done in time to fly home for dinner. We could remove tyranny and fear, and replace it with self determination and hope, in about 2 weeks. Shame they don't have any oil, and that they haven't been important to the u.s. in 60 years or so.
First, it's yet more evidence that Bush and his ilk are liars. Next, how long is it gonna take before we start seeing that for what we spend in criminal, unjust, unwarranted bullshit we could easily create a world free of illiteracy and hunger... and still have billions and billions left over for space exploration and medicine? Wouldn't it be cool if everyone had access to knowledge, everyone had enough to eat every day, and people (bear in mind, these are people just like you and I.... People who love other folks and have other folks love them) didn't have to die from disease just because they were poor?
I really, really don't get it. The choice between killing a people or teaching them to read, feeding them, and trading culture with them seems as plain as this question... Do you want to have friend or do you want to have enemies? Yeah, there's always an asshole or two that doesn't understand anything but a bullet to the head, but by FAR most of us are all the same. We all want to hang out, drink some beers, love our family and friends, and have some fun. Why can't we focus on the 99%? instead of the 1%?
As I've said, as has history has shown, there are two ways to win the type of war we've created for ourselves. 1) You kill everyone who isn't you... man, woman, and child. You erase them from the Earth. In the short term, this works very well. 2) You intermix the cultures. You take from your enemy the things they do better than you, and you allow them to do the same. You trade with them. You mate with them. You worship with them. You farm with them. Basically, you join them and allow them to join you. The cost? Your culture adapts and evolves. It looses parts of itself and gain new parts. The benefit? It lasts and grows stronger, even if it sacrifices it's own identity and becomes part of "humanity". Ask the Greeks, or the Romans, or the Mongols, or the Vikings, or the "Barbarian tribes". Yeah, it hasn't proven all the successful for the native folks of the world, but that's another post.
The problem, as I see it, as that we cannot do the first, we're unwilling to do the second, and we don't have a third option. 1+1+1 = failure.
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