Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Note for myself

I want to remember this time.  Things are getting darker, but they often do before the break you're begging for shows up.

The cancer will be what it is.  You just have to do the best you can.  You can't fight nature, you've got to do your best to make peace with her on her terms.  She will win, but that doesn't mean you can't too.

The rest will find a way somehow.  Somehow.  You can't see it yet. You just need time. You just need more time.  Hang on. You have to remain patient.  This will pass.  It won't always be this way.  It may never be great again, but there's still time for it to be good.  You just have to keep trying.

You have to keep getting back up.

You have to keep getting back up.

Don't stop getting back up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there Judy! I was reading a few of your posts and had a question about your blog. I was wondering if you could please email me back whenever you get the chance, thanks so much!

- Emily