Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Read this... FOR SCIENCE!!! (A poll)

First, let me state for the record that I love showers. Well maybe not showers so much as the way you feel when you get out of the shower and you're all clean. You really can't get that without taking a shower, so I take a lot of showers. Today, as I was taking shower number two, I started thinking. "John, I wonder... how many showers do other people take in a day? Are you obsessive when it comes to showers? Does it matter?". So in the interest of satisfying my curiosity, and to add to my growing body of evidence that girls are stinky and have cooties, do me a favor. Leave a comment (either with your name or anonymously if you're ashamed of being filthy) with how many times a day you shower.

I will start.

During the week, I usually take 3 showers a day. Because I value cleanliness.


Dr. A said...

You would be screwed in a drought involving water rationing.

I shower 1x/day, before bed. My shower takes about 2 min, unless I wash my hair, then it's about 4.

However, I much prefer to be "pool clean" - eschewing the shower altogether and just jumping in a nearby swimming pool. This was a valid option during the summers when I was a kid (my folks have a pool). Then I would only shower/bathe properly (with soap) about 1x/week.

John Judy said...

Good point. Pool clean is just as good and is actually more awesome.

Dr. A said...

Hm. Guess either (a) no one else reads your blog or (b) the other reader do not shower. I'm guessing the second.

Shannon said...

sometimes i shower every other day. sometimes once a day, but somtimes i go three days. rarely would i shower more than once a day. as ms. a, my showers take about 2 minutes. unless i shave my legs (which i do only as needed) or i wash my hair, which is another thing a do infrequently (like, two times a week, sometimes three).

whatever, lotion makes you smell good and when mixed with all those skin oils, makes your skim nice too.

lastly, i appreciate the shower more if i actually wait til i'm dirty to take one.

John Judy said...

Man, that's a hit to the old ego. I need a shower... TO WASH AWAY THE DISAPPOINTMENT!