Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lessons learned

Working in the same building I was before is kinda weird. It's nice because I run into a lot of people I really like all the time. It's odd because I sometimes run into some people I'm not sure how I feel about. Today was a really great example. I ran into a lot of people I was happy to see, and Charlotte (who is AWESOME and who I am ALWAYS happy to see) sent me cookies. I also ran into someone who reminded me that you can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat you when you're down... and you can also tell a lot by the way they treat you when you're back up. I think one of the key things I've taken away from this whole experience is that I need to appreciate my friends every chance I get and trust my judgment more often than I used to. If it looks like an prick and sounds like an prick, it's probably an prick... and all my rationalizing, optimism and forced tolerance won't change that. There are some people who I just don't like. There are some people who just don't like me. There's probably a reason for that.

I'll always try to keep an open mind, because I believe (sincerely... HA! And you thought I didn't believe anything) everyone you meet has something to teach you. However, moving forward I think I'm going to try to remember that I don't owe everyone for every lesson. I think maybe in the future I'll move away from polite but insincere complements to people I don't like or respect but feel some need to keep happy. I'll just do what I've really wanted to all long. Politely disregard them. Civility I owe them, but any wisdom they impart to me has long been bought and paid for.

Anyway, that was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too deep, so here have some kittens.

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