Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fucking hentai is gross

Now I'm a bigger pervert than your average pervert, but DAMN.... How are images of underage girls with massive penises even remotely erotic? Tentacle rape is funny once or twice, but after a while it's just weird. Yeah, I realize there's some hentai with actual pr0n value, but most of what I've seen is just f'ing weird... And I'm down for most anything.

Maybe I hang out on a certain website too much, but goddammit all you creepy japanese and wapanese guys need to knock it the fuck off.

I despise feminism. I think defining your existence by your sex/gender or who you prefer to have sex with is the sign of a weak mind that gave up the hunt for things that made it hurt in favor of being "an individual, like everyone else". However, when I see even a little of this garbage by mistake I want to hand in my meat eating, beer drinking, "don't give a shit", tough guy card and join the most militant feminist group that would have me. I guess I carry this rant to most pr0n in general, but I'm going to start with the low hanging fruit. Seriously, chicks don't have dicks and don't enjoy surprise sexual encounters with sword wielding octopi... For the most part.

tl;dr - Gross pr0n is gross.

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