Friday, January 26, 2007

Dispatch from the Midwest

Wow, the closer you get to the Midwest the more retarded you become :) From Shannon:

"Yesterday I spend the morning on my Treo: work, work, work… I stopped for a minute and went to use my stylus. Hmmm, can’t find it. looked through all my bags and coat pockets. No luck.

Oh well, on to the plane to Minneapolis. Fly to Minneapolis

Off the plane and across the terminal and to the bar… work some more. Where the hell did that stylus go?!?

Then grab a cup of hot chocolate and head to where I board the plane to Grand Forks.

Go to bathroom and happen to look in the mirror: Nice. I spent 10 hours with a stylus horn yesterday. Worst unicorn ever. Feel free to make fun of me."


Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is a great pic o' fishgirl. Is this taken on her way to NAMBLA or whatever that dance competition is?

John Judy said...

Yes, yes it was.