Thank you "christian" america for yet another great story that proves the most vocal among you are even further detached from the real message of christianity than those you endlessly rail against! You're the winnars!!!! The more you succeed, the more your sham is exposed! Kinda like the douchebag you voted into office.
The more I think about it, the more I think a great step in the "war on terror" would be to nuke our own midwest. How about we join the civilized nations in the 21st century and deport these asshats to somewhere in the middle east where they can commune with like minded folks?
In other gay news, Doogie came out.... 3 words. "Yeah" "And" "So"? However, I'm thinking this might serve the greater good though. The same folks that followed the dipshit in the beginning of this post may very well employ the following thought process:
TV is reality
The "doctor" on the TV, as it turns out, has got the gay
Therefore, all doctors have got the gay
If I go to a doctor, he (because there are no female doctors... unless they are lesbians... in which case they are demons) will try to give me the gay as part of the homosexual agenda
Therefore, I must avoid medical treatment for my retardation and morbid obesity if I want to be with Dale Earnhardt in heaven
Thank you Jesus
So... Yes, middle america, all doctors have got the gay and will give it to you!!! If you're sick, stay home and pray!!!!!
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