Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Another advantage of living in the PNW

Tonight, I stepped on a big ass slug. Barefooted. That's hot. Welcome to the rainforest, toes. Feel the darkness.

The upside? I did it whilst grilling my midnight snack of a double hamburger. That's right Shannon, when I said I wanted a sweet delicious meaty treat I wasn't kidding. When I want to eat the flesh of my fellow animals, I want it. Goddamn it's good to be an ominvore.

What else? Well, I've been working on a personal project. It's called operation "approachable john". I've come terms with the fact that a lot of people are scared of me. Yeah, I'm a big, bald guy with a scowl on his face most of the time. I don't like that. I'd like to not freak people out, so I am trying to be more calm and to smile a little more. We'll see how it works.

OK. Tired and heading off to bed.

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