Thursday, April 28, 2005

Because no one ever reads this

I'll go ahead and admit it here... I'm a terrible manager. I've spent the better part of a week fretting over the ONE performance review that I have to write. I finished it today. I tried my best, sweated, worried, stayed up late... And it sucks. I did what I could, I think it's C grade stuff at best. How the hell am I am supposed to rank another person?! I'm so fatally flawed myself the it amazes me every day when I show up to work and thet don't fire me on the spot.

You ever doubt your abilities when it comes to your job? It sucks.

Anyway.... what else have I got? Well, I'm watching the Lance Krall show as I write this. It's funnish. No robot chicken though. Skip it.

I just bought a Canon 20d. I'm in love. Look for more pictures in the photo section of soon. Oh, and if you're interested in a Canon Digital Rebel I have a nice one for sale cheap.

My new beer of choice is Stella Artois. I have decided to give Pinot Noir another chance. I'm going to Huntington this weekend to sleep, take pictures, and hook my dad's new PC up.

One more thing. If you're a hardcore geek and you need work, let me know. Lazy? Don't run Linux at home? Don't bother.

Brandie, thanks for the BBQ.

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