Saturday, June 26, 2010

Note to myself

Interesting thing to think about:

Given the evolutionary nature of all things (religion being an excellent/the best example), what's next for combat?

There has been two epochs of armed struggle in the history of man.  Hand to Hand/Blade to Blade, and archery/artillery.  Basically, close combat and ranged combat.  All human violent conflict, for thousands of years, is one or the other (ot both). What is the next step in violence?  Has violence reached its full potential?

Friday, June 18, 2010

See ya' around...

Tim.  You'll be missed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WHEN WILL IT END!!!???!!!!

The vicious onslaught continues.  They don't hate our freedoms, THEY HATE OUR FACES!

Also, have a funny picture:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What an age of wonders!

I love the fact that people are spending time, money, and science to do this.

Also, a funny picture