Thursday, January 29, 2009


Apparently I was "tagged" by Shannon, so here:

I don't know who to tag myself, so I won't.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dont have much today

How about a joke?

What's the difference between the Rolling Stones and a Scotsman?

One says "Hey, you, get offa my cloud!" and one says "Hey, McCloud, get offa my Ewe!"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why BMI is bullshit

I've lost 60 pounds. I now look like this:


According to BMI, I am overweight. If I dropped another 10, I would just barely be "normal".


I think I look like I just got back from Bataan and I haven't weighed this little in almost 20 years. It looks gross and I feel weak. As soon as I can, the goal will be to put 10-15 pounds back on. If that makes me overweight, so be it.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm going to keep this short because I'm still sore as hell and pretty drugged up, but we made it. I am typing this little message on my own couch, watching my own TV, right next to my own little black kitty. This makes me happy.

I would like to thank, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, all you folks who sent kind words and wishes while Shannon and I stumbled through this little detour. You guys gave us strength when we needed it, and I really appreciate it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quick update

I'm super tired, and not feeling very witty, so here we go:

  • Epidural comes out tomorrow. IV painkillers after that, until I can take pills.
  • 3 hours left in today. I predicted today would be the day I managed to pass gas, a major road mark on the way back to food. I still think I will make it.
  • Very, very bored.
  • Still not sleeping well, nodding off every now and then.
  • Catheter probably comes out tomorrow as well.
  • I can now leave my bed and walk around unassisted.

Thanks Aunt Carol


Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm back.... mostly

Shannon's provided the details on everything so far so I won't go into that. I'm doing OK. I get really tired, and I haven't eaten in almost a week (nothing but ice), but there's been no real pain to speak of. Anyway, thanks for your kind words and thoughts. When I'm healed a bit more I'll write a bit more. I'll be here in the hospital for at least another 3 days, so I'll have the time.

In the meantime, here's this:

Monday, January 05, 2009

OK, one more thing...

In case I die, I want to leave something for you all to remember me by. This should do nicely.

So here we go

Last night was my last night with real food for a bit. I sent it off with chicken wings (doused in Fire on the Mountain sauce), some veggies, and a beer. Oh and some strawberry ice cream... with M&M's on it... Oh and an orange cookie... and maybe some cashews.

Anyway, today's diet and activities kinda look like this:

Good times. I can have anything I want as long as it's Jello, broth, or apple juice. Then at 1 p.m. I get to take antibiotics that the pharmacist assured me will make me sick. No problem though, she gave me suppositories for the nausea. NEAT!

I also get to take this Fleet stuff, which is supposedly going to pressure wash everything from my intestines. Colonic, schmolonic... I'll take the shortcut!

Anyway, this is gonna be it until I'm back from the hospital (Providence Portland Medical Center). If you feel like popping over to visit, please let Shannon know. You can reach her via her blog, facebook, phone, or at She'll be able to provide updates, best times to visit, and stuff like that. She's got an email list for updates, and she'll be blogging them as well. I will probably only be able to provide drug induced mumbling.

Finally, I'd like to sincerely thank my great friends who've been sending me their best wishes. This thing has been kinda tough. I'm OK most of the time, but some of the time (like right now) I freak out a little bit. I don't know if I've ever been this scared of anything in my life. It helps me out to know that there are people out there who are pulling for me. Like I told Shannon, you have to go through something like this yourself. No one can do it for you. However no matter how alone you feel, it's a lot easier when you can hear people cheering you on.

Thank you all very much. Love you all. First round is on me when this is all over.

Excuse me for a bit, I've got a fight to finish.

Friday, January 02, 2009

How you know when it's love...

When you fight over which is better... This or this while watching this.

I kind of hate to say it...

But this guy is right. Its gonna be interesting to see how he is proven to be right, but he will be. Sad, but it's still better than where we were.