Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Yet more justification...

...for my mandatory sterilization of the stupid policy. Thanks Kelso!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #2

Copying Mrs. McMiller yet again.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Have you seen me?

So the other day, Mrs. McMiller posts this. Me being me, the first thing I though of was this. Am I a bad person?

WARNING: If you're easily offended... or not easily offended... or still have a shred of anything decent in your soul, don't watch that video or listen to the song.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Totally copying Ms. McMiller

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Well, this may piss off a few friends of mine but...

I'm all over this. I'm a little bit tired of feeling like a second class citizen who's being asked to pay first class taxes. Second class citizen you say? But John, you're white and straight! How much more un-second class can you get?

A lot. My wife and I have decided not to have children. The reasons for that are many and varied and not part of this discussion. However, what is part of the discussion is the fact that people like us are paying a hell of a lot for benefits we don't get, or at best only get part of.

When people take maternity leave, who pays? Those of us who can and do stay. When we need that much time off, we have one option... ask HR how much PTO you have and take it... You're not too busy covering for someone who is out on maternity leave. When kids need better schools, or money is needed to pay teachers, or safety for children needs to be improved, who pays? We all do, whether we will be using the service directly or not. There are other more minor (but still burdensome) sacrifices we are asked to make in the name of breeding, but let's boil it down... Additional population means additional cost. If I'm not contributing to the first why should I have to be encumbered with the same (or greater) share of the second as someone who is?

Don't get me wrong. While I'm not part of the "children are our future" crowd (well I guess I am but no kids = no future so...), I do realize that breeding is natural. Some folks, hell most folks, are going to do it. I also realize that the future of humanity (something I really don't care about... once I'm dead you all can knock yourselves out) lies with our offspring and thus is important to some people. I'm a good citizen. I'll pay my share for things I don't agree with if the majority of the people in my society think its a good idea. My problem? My fair share is the same or more as the people that actually have children. Listen, having kids is a choice. So is hanging out with dancing girls and riding motorcycles. No one is asking parents to help me make motorcycle payments, why are parents asking me to help pay for their kids?

Anyway, the more militant part of me agrees with Ms. Etheridge. I'll pay my taxes, but I'll just go ahead and keep the part that goes to pay for a service I will never use. Yeah, I know that will do nothing but land me in jail, but the whole thing really pisses me off. How about a break for those of us who choose not to breed? We give more to the system and take less. Doesn't it make sense? I'm not asking anyone to subsidize my lifestyle, why do I have to pay so much to subsidize someone elses?

The tax system serves two purposes. One is to raise revenue. The other is to reward "acceptable" social behavior. I'm a bit tired of not breeding being unacceptable. In my opinion, it seems to be a bit backwards right now. We're rewarding people for producing something we could use less of.

Finally, no disrespect meant to my friends who have children. I don't hate children or parents. I actually love kids. They make me happy and fill me with wonder. I'm just getting tired to constantly being asked to help pay for children I will never have. Like I said, I'll pay my share but I'd like to see a world where those who choose to have kids take on more of the cost than those who don't.

EDIT: If you're a friend of mine who is a parent, and this pisses you off.... Let's talk about it. If someone can talk me out of the mad box I'm in then great. Anyway, I don't hate you for having kids and I don't want you to hate me for not having kids.

Also, please don't bring up the "Who will be staffing your nursing home" argument. There's tons of people I don't have to pay for who could do the job, and I intend to be dead first regardless.

Friday, November 07, 2008

My liver is worth MILLIONS!!!!!!!!

Or it could be, if transformed into a super heated gas. On a related topic, I can't see or hear the word "diamonds" without thinking of this.

And I'm having a crappy day so I am going to post a funny picture that has nothing to do with anything.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Early poll results are in...

John is predicting:

I'd be lying if I said...

This didn't cross my mind.

Pray hard...


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Watch this...

because it's fun.

As I've said, the left and the right are just two wings of the same bird flying above me to shit on my head. You can vote for a speech reader from one side, or from the other. What you'll get is pretty much the same.

Enjoy your "democracy".

Why an Obama presidency will suck.

Comedy is about to get a lot less fun. Seriously, how the hell can you mock either Obama or Biden? Neither of them are funny at all.

Crap. We, long with the rest of the world, will have to find something else to laugh at for the first time in 8 years.

Seriously though, isn't the prospect of a President who can string a sentence together awesome? I know he's lying to me. They all lie. But at least when people like Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama lie to you, you kinda want to think that maybe they're not.