Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Google like it's 2001

Wow... Here's a flashback. I found a page I made back then... and an error in it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm not one for celebrity gossip

But DAMN Heather Locklear took one of the best celeb mugshots I've ever seen. All messed up and she STILL looks 10 years younger than she is. Well played sister!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Raw Foodism

Anyone else spend any time thinking about this? Normally, I'm the first guy in line to make fun of anything remotely new-agey, hippy, whatever... But this kind of makes sense to me.

The main benefits of cooking food, as I understand it, are to render possibly unsafe food safer and to make tough foods easier to digest, thus giving you more bang for your buck. That's awesome.... If you're living in a time and place where getting every last bit of calorie content out of every last bit of food you eat is vital. If you lose a few vitamins, so be it.

Well, we live in a time where the safe food is pretty easy to get in quantity (for some of us) and where we actually have to think about not eating too much (say what you want retro-grouches but that's a pretty awesome problem to have). Doesn't it make sense to maybe give up the extra stuff needed for growth you get when you cook food for the extra over all health benefits you get when you don't? At least some of the time? I'm not going to give up cooked grains or cooked meat (or raw meat) ever, but I think working towards a goal of having at least half of the food I eat on any given day be raw, or at least not processed, can't possibly be a bad thing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I was wondering how long this would take...

The economy continues to melt down, we're teetering on the edge of a new cold war, energy prices are through the roof with a very cold winter being forecast and what do we hear from the white house?

C'mon, like you didn't know

Never forget.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

From the "How to do it right" department

I just found this blog entry. I still feel the same way. I won the game.

Why I love the interwebs

1) Because it's a series of tubes
2) Tonight's conversation (while watching The Prophecy II):

Shannon: That's Jennifer Beal!
John: (Thinking of whoever that chick in dirty dancing was) Shannon, you known dick about movies. That's not Jennifer Beal. Bow before the sophisticated movie knowledge of John.
Shannon: Look it up.
John: DO YOU DOUBT THE JOHN!!!!???!!! OK. I WILL!!

Moments later...

John: fuck.
Shannon: Yeah dude, you're buying breakfast.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Need some storage?

Like 2 gigs? Free? SUPER easy to use? Mac, Linux, Windows?

Get yourself some dropbox. I use it. I love it. It makes me happy.

Good idea of the day.

While I'd LOVE to see this, I'd be happy with enforcement of existing leash laws... rather than rewarding violators by reducing the amount of park area available to people who don't enjoy being molested by off leash dogs by granting it to dog owners who don't use it anyway and continue to act is if the laws don't exist. Subsidizing crime? BRILLIANT!!!

A bridge to the 19th century

You know what I hate about America (well, one thing)? That living in the day and age we do, half of us think that putting people who either don't use computers or think that unencrypted public mail services are fine for state business in charge is a GREAT idea because they love Jesus.

I cannot say this enough times.... We should gas the Midwest, get rid of everything there, and turn it over to giant robot farming machines to make us fuel and tasty snacks.

Oh, in case your wondering what kind of stuff winds up in the inbox of someone who claims to know the will of God, here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Random observation about candy

I just ate a cherry cordial. I was reading the little tag on it that said "cherry cordial" when it occurred to me that while the candy did have a cherry taste to it, it was not cordial. This candy was not particularly friendly. Sure, it wasn't rude or mean... but it didn't give me a heart felt "Hey John, how are you?", or a smile, or a pat on the back... nothing. Actually, I got the distinct impression that this candy really didn't care about me at all. It's not that I blame the candy for it's ambivalence. Quite the contrary, I think ambivalence is the best I could hope for from something I'm going to eat. I'm lucky I didn't get a "cherry malevolent"... But then why call it a "cordial"? Why not a "cherry ambivalent", or as the kids would say a "cherry meh"?

Stupid inaccurate candy names. Now that I think of it, this problem is HUGE! If you open a Three Musketeers, I'll bet there aren't three chocolate covered little french sword guys in there. Mars? Sure, nuts and sweet goodness, but no extraterrestrial ANYTHING. Jolly Ranchers are neither ranchers nor particularly jolly. WTF?!

Read this... FOR SCIENCE!!! (A poll)

First, let me state for the record that I love showers. Well maybe not showers so much as the way you feel when you get out of the shower and you're all clean. You really can't get that without taking a shower, so I take a lot of showers. Today, as I was taking shower number two, I started thinking. "John, I wonder... how many showers do other people take in a day? Are you obsessive when it comes to showers? Does it matter?". So in the interest of satisfying my curiosity, and to add to my growing body of evidence that girls are stinky and have cooties, do me a favor. Leave a comment (either with your name or anonymously if you're ashamed of being filthy) with how many times a day you shower.

I will start.

During the week, I usually take 3 showers a day. Because I value cleanliness.

Monday, September 15, 2008

LHC Webcam

For those of you who are interested in this cool piece of science, here's a webcam from the LHC

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Does it strike anyone else as awesome...

that we live in an age where I can sit on my fat ass, drinking a glass of wine, and see something like this?

Sometimes, for fun, I think about what I would say if I had to describe the age I live in to someone living 200 years ago. "Yeah dude, I can sit on my ass in my house and watch storms on Mars". "Yeah, well... I have a horse".

I'm getting old.

I remember when I first heard Metallica. I was a lad of 15, and they had not really broken in the US. A guy from Canada I was skiing with played Ride the Lightning for me and I was blown away. I had never heard anything played with that kind of speed and aggression before and I was hooked. I was a huge Metallica fan up till the black album, when I kind of lost interest. After that, I would hear some of their newer stuff from time to time. It just got weaker and more diluted. I moved on to other music, and apparently they moved on too.... to the mall.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Career Planning

I believe I have found my next job. Based on my many qualifications, I will be throwing my hat in the ring to become the next king of Swaziland.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I like turtles!

Yeah, I'm a little late to the party but this kid is my new hero.

Anyway, that's all I have right now.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

My wife...

Fuck yeah, dude. We ARE rock and roll.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Why I might begin...

...to agree with Fred Phelps and his bunch, at least when it comes to America.

This is news. Folks, we truly live in a golden age. Behold the birth of the cult of the teenage baby mama.

Abstinence only sex education! It works for Jesus, it works for America.