Sunday, December 30, 2007

New photos

Feel free to be jealous. We do enjoy the Mexico.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Quick Note

We're back. I'll fill in the details later, but suffice to say that if heaven isn't like the beach in Cabo at 10 a.m. (before the gringos show up) I don't wanna go.

Viva El Mango Deck!

Friday, December 14, 2007

I worry

about this sometimes. However, I don't think I'd be happy if I cleaned my act up. I like to laugh at things that are wildly inappropriate. If it makes people uncomfortable, chances are I'll laugh at it, at least a little bit. Does this mean I really condone the type of things mentioned in some of the things I find funny? No, and it's the very fact that I don't that makes them amuzing. As I hope those who know me would be able to recognize, there's few people out there who feel as strongly about justice, charity, and doing the right thing as much as I do. Actually, those beliefs have cost me plenty (especially the last one)... But the definition of humor if often the juxtaposition of data into situations where it obviously does not belong. It's the fact that something is so far from it's rightful place that makes it funny.

And yes I swear. Most of us do. I have my own definition of when it's appropriate and when it's not. When it's not? When someone might rightfully take offense and/or when working (as opposed to at work). Everyone I know swears. Some more than others, but it happens. It's communication. People have employed profanity in casual conversation as long as casual conversation has existed. It's the spice that makes informal communication as tasty as it can be. Is it always needed? No, but neither is salt and you sure wish you had it available to you when it's needed.

I would hope that a potential employer would be able to see the difference between a crude blog entry and the person who talks to customers, or would at least be willing to discuss the issue. If they're not, then the employer and I are probably not a good fit. As Walt Whitman said "I am large, I contain multitudes". When you buy some John, you get the ones you want. However, the ones you don't make me who I am, and thus are a part of the ones you bought. You don't have to see/hear/etc. the sides you don't like, but unidimensional people don't tend to be creative, aggressive, insightful, problem solvers and in my experience that's what I'm good at, so realize there might be a rough edge or two. Or, as Mr. Munroe put it:


Whoa Whoa Whoa!

WTF is this?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thank you Amazon!

For reminding me that I am not the only person in the world with too much time on their hands.

I now return to starting flame wars in youtube comments.

So familar I could cry

This is pretty much exactly how my last Fedora upgrade went. BTW, I am now on 8 as a result of trying to clean up all the stuff that broke in 7 as a result of running a simple "yum update all". The whole thing was brought on by the hope of getting azureus to run without mysteriously dying. What was the end result? Massive file system corruption any time more than 10 or so packages were upgraded via yum. I am THIS close to throwing Ubuntu on my server as well. It may be Linux for dummies, but it just freaking works....

Or maybe Dan is right and FreeBSD is the way to go....

Or maybe Debian....

And the cycle begins again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

To quote George C. Scott....

God help me I love it so.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My hobby

As many of you know, I dig teh religious studies. This is interesting and a note to myself to read further.

Monday, December 10, 2007

P.S. I didn’t eat that (expletive) sandwich or the toielet thing either!

Well this is kinda funny.

Shannon this is for you

I think this might answer your question.... kinda.

"LADIES... we may have an ID on the flight plan." (queue sunglasses)

Oh and I'm pretty damn happy that it's you and me.

Friday, December 07, 2007

I helped

in a small way. And it was fun.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fat and happy

I am full of delicious dinner (chicken and dumplings, and a slice of pizza for desert) and whiskey. Shannon is out at a show. The means I will defile the couch with my nakedity and watch the history channel until I fall asleep whilst the lineage of latex paint is whispered lovingly into my ears (Modern Marvels rocks my world). Tonight, I will dream of polymer strings and red ocher. This, ladies and gentlemen, is very close to what heaven must fell like.

Oh, and it pleases me that Firefox picked up my misspelling of "must". Originally, I typed "myst" (close, right?). Firefox's suggestion? "Myst".

Damn right. That was THE game back in the day.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

OK, this is it before I pass out

GIS balls. First result. I don't know about you this win in my book.

Guy #1 - I am touching giant ball.
Guy #2 - I would respond, but I'm somehow hypnotized by giant ball... I must wonder though, where's the other one?


Why (besides gaming) would you pay for this and this when this is free, faster, easier to install, and offers you all the same stuff?

I came across ubuntu in my search for a distro to replace Fedora, which is really pissing me off lately. While I wouldn't use it on a server, it's a very fast, easy, no hassle solution for your "day to day, get stuff done" machine. I'm currently dual booting my laptop with 7.10 and XP, but the XP partition is losing value every day. I simply don't need it. I have more options and more control with gutsy... and that's not even comparing it to the pile of shite that is Vista.

Like any distro, there is work to be done to get it dialed. However, I'd much rather do that (it''rs fun anyway... like having a new car and going shopping for accessories, except they're mostly free) than spend my time trying to convince another MS abortion that I actually know what I'm doing and can be trusted.


"That was the hottest interspecies sex since Matthew Broderick nailed Sara Jessica Parker."

True dat.

Qoute of the night

Shannon: Yeah, that's the kinda girl you wanna keep face up.

Further proof that John is probably gay

This is one of my favorite songs, and I love the movie too. DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!