Monday, December 27, 2004

Brandie, et al.

You guys all kick ass. Thank you X 1,000,000. Seriously.

I have the best friends ever.

Especially Brandie.

Yahoo! News - Asia Tidal Waves Death Toll Tops 22,000

Yahoo! News - Asia Tidal Waves Death Toll Tops 22,000


You're still my bitches.



Thursday, December 23, 2004

Daily Grill

Has a kick ass endive salad.

Eddie Spaghetti

Shannon's in love with this man. I'm in love with his band. What could be better? We're off to check him out doing what I think will an acoustic set at Dante's, a place I've been meaning to get to anyway.

Rock. I'll let you know what I think later.

Ok, it's later. Dante's sucks ass. We show up an hour and a half early to get good seats. 1/2 an hour later, they tell us they have to remove the first two rows of tables, and now the folks that showed up an hour after us are in the front row and we're out of luck.

Oh, then there's the bar. Stand in one place where they're taking orders until you get to the front. The watch as the "hipper than thou" dipshit staff runs to another part of the bar to take orders, or simply leaves. Next, go to the part of the bar where it appears orders are being taken now and wait. Then, when you make it up to the bar, thrill as the process is repeated and the stain behind the bars shuffles off once again. No, this did not happen once. EVERY F'ing TIME I WENT TO THE BAR.

As a bonus? One toilet in the men's room. The other? Broken, covered in plastic. Top notch shit hole you got there. I pissed in the sink. Twice.

Anyway, Moonshine Hangover rocked. I was surprised. Good, straight up Southern rock, ala .38 Special and Skynyrd. They played like they meant it.

I can lick any son of a bitch in the house didn't do it for me, but I'll give them another try.

Eddie was Eddie, need I say more? We would have stayed all night.

New Scientist - Mystery of Mars rover's 'carwash' rolls on

New Scientist - Mystery of Mars rover's 'carwash' rolls on

"At the time, the team speculated that wind may have swept the dust off the panels or frost may have caused it to clump, exposing more of the panels."

Ya' think? I'm going to be very disappointed if it turns out that there's another "intellgent" life form hanging around... And they're washing solar panels for tips.